10 Benefits Of PhysiPole!
Home 5 Wellness Advice 5 10 Benefits Of PhysiPole!

Let’s Get PhysiPole

Have you been thinking of joining PhysiPole Studios but are still on the fence, or maybe a little apprehensive?
Read below the most common benefits and why it’s the time to try!

(Fancy listening to this in the smooth styling of Kristy Sellars herself? Listen to the original Podcast episode here!)

Let’s Get PhysiPole

The community surrounding PhysiPole is unlike anything I have ever encountered in a fitness studio. PhysiPole is a community and a family all rolled into one you will feel embraced, celebrated, congratulated and positively part of the #PhysiFam! You can come alone to class and within minutes you will be talking and building relationships and supporting each other.

Another amazing perk of PhysiPole is that we have 17 studios around Australia, so if you are travelling, on placement or working away from home you can continue your journey and attend another franchise for no extra cost and learn the exact class you would have at your own studio – so, no running the risk of losing motivation or strength by missing your classes!

Increased Strength

Pole and Aerial fitness is a whole-body workout not just the upper body you might think. It’s working upper, core, lower body and thighs. And not only that, another benefit is having smoother looking legs, a way to reduce cellulite on your legs is regular massaging of the muscles and moving the blood flow. So, hooking your legs on the pole or using the aerial apparatus you are continually massaging your legs. Smoother legs – a great little extra benefit!

Increased Strength

One of the misconceptions with Pole and Aerial fitness is that you need to already be flexible to start. This is not true; you can still gain flexibility as an adult and will gain it as a beginner at PhysiPole. The more the muscles stretch the more flexible you will get; it is simply not the case that if you didn’t do it as a child you will never be flexible. Flexibility can increase in all areas of your body so in your legs, arms, shoulders and back. This will be beneficial not just for classes & tricks but in your everyday life as you age. Being able to touch your toes in your older years!! What a success & achievement that will be.

Cardio Health

This is an important part of exercise and overall wellbeing. At the same time lowering your risk of heart disease, strokes and heart attacks and more. Really great to get all those benefits from the one workout in the one hour.

Weight Loss & Calorie Burn

Weight Loss is not the primary focus of PhysiPole as we love all body types and don’t be afraid to join or think that you need to lose weight before joining. This misconception is the most common one I hear so don’t think you’re alone, you do not need to be skinny, fit or flexible to start – by just making that step to come and join you are on the right track. Weight loss and calorie burn will be a benefit as you are not only doing cardio but lifting weights also which you don’t realise because it’s fun and you’re lifting your own body weight. The strength you will gain is mind blowing, after weeks you will see the transformation in what your body can do and achieve.

Improved Rhythm and Co-ordination

Rhythm and co-ordination is great skill that can help you as an adult with memory and the risks of dementia. You are moving your body, learning routines, and improving muscle memory not only is this fun but it is training your brain and keeping your brain active so another amazing benefit of PhysiPole and pole and aerials in general.

Body Confidence and Self Confidence

his in my opinion is the biggest and best benefit I want you to gain from PhysiPole!

Increase your confidence and the way you look at yourself in the mirror. Even if your body doesn’t change (but most likely will) we want those negative thoughts to be banished and replaced by confident and empowering thoughts about your self and your body. Positive thoughts are a powerful tool and things you say to yourself. These inside transformations are the biggest change you should focus on! PhysiPole will bring on not only a physical change, we want a mental change also.

Release of Stress & Anxiety

Have you ever had a bad day at work and need to release the negative energy & stress from your body? Well Pole and Aerial is a great way to do that because you’re using your muscles, getting the workout, interacting with your PhysiFam around you and the positive community. You will leave feeling elated and make that bad day turn right around.

Better Sleep

Who here tosses and turns during the night? If you have had a great workout, you will sleep like a baby – so much better! (Why a baby I don’t know because they don’t sleep!! haha).

Healthier Joints & Bones

Because we are putting controlled pressure through the joints by lifting weights essentially, we are allowing our joints and bones to strengthen and become healthier, which is of course a great as we age to support our own bodies. I have seen this in our older students that have reversed the weakening of the bones from our classes. They are stronger and better at supporting themselves. You are never too old to start at PhysiPole!

There are so many more benefits that we could talk about, but these are the main ones I wanted to highlight in this episode and really if you are thinking about joining us, just don’t think about it just do it!

Go to www.physipolestudios.com/locations and then select your nearest location, pick your class or even call up the studio owner or send a message on Facebook or Instagram – you will always get a response and you can ask whatever questions you like. We will be more than happy to help and find the right fit class for you. We will help you decide on the right class by determining what do you want to get out of PhysiPole? Whether it be fun, fitness, competitions, we are here to help you achieve the greatest benefit for you.

Thank you for joining me on this episode of Let’s Get PhysiPole.
Founder of PhysiPole Studios
Kristy Sellars