Be Proud Now

đź—Ł Tuesday Tips with Maggie
Name: Maggie Groves
Instructs at: PhysiPole Studios Albury
Time Instructing: Less than 1 year
Expertise: Flexibility, Booty, Strength
Favourite Trick: Anything Splitty, Shoulder Mounts, Handsprings
Tip: Be proud of yourself NOW. I hear so many friends and students lately saying that when they get into a certain comp or get to a certain level or to a certain dress size – then they’ll be happy with themselves. Someone once told me elite is just the beginning of your poling, training is taken to the next level then. There’s always going to be a bigger better more prestigious competition to enter. You can always work on being stronger and fitter. What I’m trying to say is that there is no magic level you will get to where you’re all of a sudden happy and proud of yourself, you have to start working on that now. I’m sure you’ve already achieved a heap of goals but then expected more from yourself and moved onto the next goal. Please, go back through your photos and videos and appreciate your body and the things it allows you to do! Look at your videos and photos and be proud of the progress you’ve made, the experiences you’ve had and the friends you’ve made along the way who have cheered for you with every achievement! Please try to enjoy yourself and your classmates and your favourite tricks rather than purely focusing on the trick you haven’t got yet. Please celebrate your body and your achievements and be proud of yourself NOW. xoxo ps. You’re beautiful
Don’t wait till you achieve your goals to be proud, celebrate every step.