Sleigh the Halls
Home 5 Competitions & Events 5 Sleigh the Halls

A Christmas competition with divisions in pole, floor, and groups.

Find all the relevant information below to get your entries in!


Registration Opens: 15 Sep – 5 Oct 2025

Entry Guidelines

  • Have a video ready to enter to represent your show
  • You can enter more than one category but only once per category
  • Any queries email

Competition Details

30th November 2025


2/623 Toohey Road, Salisbury QLD
7th December 2025


Unit 1/10 Roseanna St, Clinton Gladstone QLD
7th December 2025


12/27-31 Sharnet Cct. Pakenham VIC 3810

Rules & Regulations

  • You must enter the division that corresponds to you, as of the date of entry.
  • All entrants must submit their entry via the linked entry form.
  • Entry fee is $35. The fee must be paid to complete entry.
  • You may enter one or more divisions, but entry fee must be paid per division.
  • All identities are welcome to enter.
  • Participants do not need to be a PhysiPole student.
  • No entries will be accepted after the entry dates listed on the website.
  • Music must be submitted at time of entry.
  • If you have selected the same song as another competitor, the first one that submitted their entry will get to keep that song and the other competitor will be required to change songs.
  • Any queries about your entries should be directed to the competition organisers.
  • Successful applicants will be advised via email and also posted on the Sleigh The Halls Instagram page (@sleighthehallspolecomp) after the entry closing date.
  • Performances must be between 2.5 – 3 minutes in length for amateurs and 3 – 4 minutes in length for semi-pro, pro and groups. These time limits apply to both pole and floor routines.
  • A layout of the stage space and apparatus information will be provided to competitors.
  • Pole performers will have the option of using 1 pole (spin or static) or 2 poles (static stage right, spin stage left). This must be nominated at entry.
  • Groups competitors may use 0 or 2 poles. If using poles, groups competitors may choose whether to have both static or both spin.

Performers are permitted to use props, sets, costuming, sound effects, performance apparatus or footwear, provided that:

  • a) the space allows for it physically; and
  • b) it can be set up and completely removed in 1 minute or less.
  • Back up dancers or human props are permitted but must not be on stage for more than 50% of the routine and must not touch the apparatus, detract from the competitor, or assist in tricks. Human props must hold a valid audience ticket for themselves.
  • Any use of the above items should be described in the applicant’s entry.
  • The performer may not perform nude or partially nude. G-strings are not permissible.
  • No outfit shall make any offensive and/or derogatory references to any religion and/or race.
  • The use of grip aids is permitted. Competitors must supply their own.

Judging Criteria

10 points – Choreography
  • Including musicality, dance/floorwork and staging formation.
  • Creativity and level of difficulty of floorwork will be judged. Unique transitions and fluidity will account for higher score. The performance is seamless in its transitions between apparatus and dance. Individual movements are well thought out to make sense within the routine.
10 points – Concept/Costumes
  • Costume and use of any props is well thought out and help to enhance and convey the theme/concept of the routine.
10 points – Skills
  • Performer displays flexibility and strength throughout the entire routine. Tricks and movements are varied.
10 points – Technicality
  • Performer demonstrates clean lines, strong posture, and the deliberate creation and execution of aesthetically pleasing shapes within tricks and overall movement.
10 points – Showmanship
  • Performing with confidence and finesse, engaging the audience throughout the entire routine.


Contact us via Email

Send through any questions or queries you have to our email address and we will endeavor to reply as soon as we can.

Follow us on Instagram!

Follow us on Instagram to see what’s going on at the studio, including our student achievements!


Does the routine need to be Christmas themed?
Yes! As this is a Christmas competition, we want you to embody the Christmas Spirit through your routines.
Do I have to be a PhysiPole Student to enter?
Not at all – this competition is open to performers from all studios, including those training independently. You just need to be able to get to the venue (PhysiPole Studios Salisbury; 2/623 Toohey Road, Salisbury QLD 4107) for the day of the competition.
What happens if I have selected the same song as someone else?
If you have selected the same song as another competitor at the same location the first one that submitted their entry will get to keep that song and the other competitor will be contacted to change songs.
Do I have to wear heels?
Competitors may perform in heels or barefoot.
How long does my routine need to be?
Amateur competitors – between 2:30 and 3:30.
Semi-pro/Pro competitors – between 3:00 and 4:00.
Group competitors – between 3:00 and 4:00
Above time limits apply to pole, floor and aerial routines.
How many poles can I use?
For solo pole performers, you may choose to use 1 or 2 poles. You must nominate your choice at the time of entering. Where using only 1 pole, you may choose either static or spin; where using 2 poles, the static will be on stage right and spin on stage left (that is, looking towards the audience the static pole will be to your right and spin to your left). You will be using 45mm Brass poles for this competition.
What Aerial apparatus can I enter?
At PhysiPole Studios Salisbury, we have available the following apparatus:
• Hoop/ Lyra –
o 85cm
o 90cm
o 95cm
o 105cm
• Hammock –
o 2m drop
o 2.5m drop
If you wish to supply your own apparatus, please submit a request before entering with the details of your apparatus so that we can verify that it is suitable for our space.
What classifies me in the semi-pro division?
This category is for anyone who has previously placed while competing at an external competition (not at in-house competitions).
There is no timeline or level on when you placed (it may be three years ago in a much lower level to what you are now), as it’s not about the level you were or the competition you competed in, it’s about the level of competition experience this competitor will now have.
Note that the competition placing must be relevant to your chosen apparatus for Sleigh The Halls (ie. Floor, Pole or Aerials). For example, if you have previously competed and placed in an external floorwork competition, you would not be semi-pro for pole in Sleigh The Halls unless you had also previously competed and placed in an external pole competition.

Past Results