Life in Lockdown 2020
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Well… this is 2020. Much different to what any of us were hoping for as we cheers’d our loved ones, watched fireworks and counted our way out of 2019 and into a New Year. New goals, a fresh start, another chance to better ourselves from the year before was all in sight! But weren’t we in for a real shake up!
We have had to cancel holidays, change routines, be forced out of work, postpone weddings, keep away from loved ones and really get to know ourselves again.
No one could have ever planned for this, therefore there are no right or wrong answers or ways around things, just what feels right at the time.

Personally, the first lock down in March hit quite hard for me with the closure of both of my studios and being forced to completely stop, not just slow down. I am used to being in control, rushing from one place to another, calling the shots, connecting with people, being social and helping others see their true potential. And after a 1 hour press conference on Sunday 22nd March this was all gone.
Some days it felt really nice to realise I had the freedom of time, rather than always racing the clock every day. Other days I would wake up and not feel right from the get-go, cry about the smallest things and achieve nothing in that 24 hours. Having the VERY small taste of normalcy for 2.5 weeks in June was all I needed to realise sitting on my ass and feeling sorry for myself for 3 months was not something I wanted to repeat moving into another lockdown. I knew if I did this again, it wasn’t going to make me feel any better than the last time and I knew for a fact I didn’t enjoy feeling that way. I wanted to be better for my staff, my students, my partner, my family and friends and for myself. I knew this time I had to show up, be present and be involved in day to day life.

Now, in no way am I writing to say, I’ve found the answer and I love my new life in iso and everything is fine, but I have come to realise things that have worked for me, things that haven’t and I’ve really tried to stick with those positive things to keep myself in a nice place. This nice place may not be laying on a beach sipping cocktails in Europe, embracing a much-needed cuddle from Mum, or even the biggest 30th birthday bash you’d been waiting your life for, but it’s a nice place for where we’re at now.

The one thing I have found most helpful over anything else is some form of daily routine. Mine is tidying the house. We live in a small apartment and we are on top of ourselves more than we’re used to and if that space is cluttered, you can bet your bottom dollar my frustration of the smallest situation is heightened and my fuse is shortened.

I try to do this as my first job for the day, but if it doesn’t happen until the afternoon or it happens in stages, so be it! If I literally achieve nothing else I have at least achieved this. Tidying the bench, vacuuming, spraying a fragrant linen spray, putting away clothes and shoes and anything out of place. MAKE YOUR BED. This is the smallest task but it feels SO nice to look at a made bed and to get into at the end of the day. That’s it. But it makes all the difference.

If you’re feeling ambitious, or you’re lucky enough to still be working you can create a daily schedule or to do list. There is no better feeling than visually seeing your daily achievements (even if one of your tasks is to put the washing away, you can tick the shit out of that box when you’re done!) Connect with loved ones. Making sure we connect with others is one of the most important things right now. It may be a text message or a scheduled zoom trivia night, whatever it is you will feel more human for it afterwards and is imperative to feeling ‘normal’.

The other thing for me is signing into classes on a Saturday as a student. This is important to me as I get to move my body, connect with people and enjoy learning as this is something I really enjoyed before iso, so why stop now? All I have to do is click a link and I am distracted from iso life with strength and conditioning and improving my flex goals!

You don’t have to be taking extreme measures to feel like you’re being successful during this time. Just make a commitment to yourself and keep it consistent, no matter how small. This will prove to yourself that you care about your own feelings and wellbeing and that is the most important thing. Go for a walk, find a new track, or a light stroll to the local cafe for a morning coffee. Changing your surroundings and stimulation is a great refresher. There will be days that you may need to give yourself a talk to get up off your ass because you know you’re being lazy as there may be things you know you want to tick off your list but you just don’t want to do it. (Anyone else have the same back and forth arguments with yourself when you can literally just get up and get it done?)
To quote David Goggins (Look him up)

“Feelings of hunger, motivation, drive, etc., will come and go but, if you can make a commitment to personal fucking GREATNESS that’s all the fuel you need! “

Today’s personal greatness may look a little different to what you envisioned at the end of 2019 for your 2020 self, BUT it does not diminish the fact that you are still great and can still achieve great things! You got out of bed, showered and brushed your hair today? GREAT! You found and enjoy a new hobby, connected with friends and family, cooked a delicious meal and wrote some goals for your life after iso? GREAT!

Think about the things you have and haven’t done, things that make you feel good and not so good and really think about how you’re going to use this information in the future to ensure the not so good days are minimal. Make a commitment to yourself to carry out a positive daily/ weekly routine for small satisfactions to keep a positive mood. And if all else fails, enjoy a cup of tea.