Hervey Bay
Class Timetable
Term 6 2024
Current Term: 21st October - 15th December 2024
Next Term: 6th January - 2nd March 2025

Payment Options
Courses Classes
8 Week full term payment options
1st Course
2nd Course
3rd Course
one off
Membership Option Weekly Payment
1 Course
2 Course
3 Course
Casual Classes
Trial Classes
Want to try out a class and see which is your favourite? Trial a class at any stage throughout the term fro $25 OR look out for our 45 minute trial classes held in the last 2 weeks of term for only $15, Book a spot now through the Groovio App

Available offers

Early Bird
Please check with studio for what offers they have available

Practice Pass
10 Practices for the price of 8

Kids & Hens Functions
Contact to book
Price varies dependant on participants
What we Offer
Courses Offered

Static Pole

Spin Pole

Dynamic Heels

Dynamic Hammock


Aerial Hoop
Our Studio

About the Hervey Bay Studio
Hervey Bay’s largest Pole & Aerial Fitness Studio with custom-built state of the art facility with adjustable rigging up to 6m and 12 stainless steel poles in a fully air-conditioned room. Offering static pole, spin pole, aerial hoop, silks, hammock, and dynamic heels PhysiPole Studios provides alternative fitness options for all ages, genders, and fitness levels with sexy dance classes, stretch classes, strength, and many more. Come and join the physifam with a supportive community to grow your self-confidence and general wellbeing.
Re-Imagine your fitness with PhysiPole Studios Hevey Bay today.
Pole & Aerials Room
Details : 8 x 3m tall Pole ( 45mm Stainless)
4 x 5.5m Adjustable Aerial Points
4 x 4m Tall Poles (45mm Stainless)
Flooring: Vinyl Floor
Home Decor: Mirrors
Facilities Air Condition/Heating
Stage Map
Comp Areas

Our Team
Meet our teaching team!

Studio Owner
Kirsty Van Noordenburg
Studio Owner
Kirsty (aka Legs) started her Pole and Aerial Journey at the PhysiPole Studios Grovedale back in Sept 2015!
She was addicted from the very first class and since then became an instructor after 12 months.
When she decided to make the big move to Queensland she knew she didn’t want to be without the PhysiPole Community! So the best way was to open her own studio!
In March 2019 she moved interstate with her husband and two young daughters to build the Sunshine Coast Studio which opened at the end of April 2019.
She now has a group of empowering staff that helps run the space and built a huge community of amazing students that now call the Sunshine Coast Studio studio home.
In July 2023 she took over the PhysiPole Hervey Bay!! Making that another incredible studio for our PhysiFam to call home!!