Transformation Winner 2017
There are so many exciting things happening at PhysiPole Studios in 2018, and the thing I think I’m personally looking forward to the most is the 2018 Body Transformation challenge. One of my favourite things about PhysiPole Studios is how it encourages us week after week to be amazed at what our body and our minds can achieve, and for anyone who has been following the amazing stories and results of the girls who participated in the 2017 challenge, you’ll know that they all feel the same way. I genuinely believe that hearing about and seeing other students challenges, triumphs and transformations is the best motivation to keep pushing and striving to achieve your goals, so what better way to start off 2018 than hearing from our 2017 Body Transformation winner Gemma Elphick from the Albury studio. Her transformation over the past 12 months has been truly amazing.
What made you decide to start pole dancing at PhysiPole Studios and how long have you been doing pole for?
I’ve been doing pole for about 2 years now. I chose PhysiPole Studios, as I liked how structured the classes were and how professional, supportive and motivating they are. I was never judged for being a bigger girl, I was only ever encouraged.
What was the deciding factor for you in taking on the Body Transformation Challenge in 2017?
Knowing that I was getting measured and recording everything to see the differences from start to finish, even just from a few months really keeps you going. Also you have a lot of support from everyone doing the challenge, and a lot of motivation from the teachers. They keep you going even on your worst days.
How did it feel when you found out you were the winner?
I must admit I was VERY shocked. I had no idea until one of my teachers tagged me in the post. It took a little bit to sink in, I actually rang my partner crying. Knowing I had won something for all the changes I had been making, made it feel like all the sweat, tears and bruises were worth it.
You mentioned in your video that one of the things you are now proud of being able to do is motivate yourself, what do you to do get yourself pumped up or to turn a bad day into a positive one?
I find that if I don’t exercise, I don’t have as much energy that day, and my thoughts aren’t as productive. I also like zoning out with the music and just enjoying that moment.
Were there any particular moments or incidences that stick out to you as being the hardest in that year?
Learning how to climb a pole and inverts!!! AAAHHHHH…. it was very challenging. Repeating levels was hard, but also important. I would get disheartened and if I had to repeat I felt like I was failing, but as I progressed I understood that once you master certain moves and built up strength, the next level was somewhat easier.
They say that when it comes to making changes like this in your life, others always seem to notice before you do, when did others start noticing the changes in you both physically and mentally and when did you start noticing yourself?
Mentally I had LOTS of people commenting on how I always looked super happy and how I was glowing. I had a lot of people notice on my 30th birthday in April and that’s where lots of compliments were given which were SO NICE. I will never ever forget the people that took time out of their day to personally tell me how inspiring and motivating I was – it honestly meant so much to me and kept me going. I remember when I first officially started to notice that my body was changing, I was in a clothes shop, looking for a top to wear that night, and I grabbed a size 18 (normally would fit depending on Brand) and my partner stood there smiling at me saying “You need a smaller size”. In the end it was a size 14 that I fit in to which blew my mind!!! I couldn’t actually believe I was in a size 14. It had easily been 15 years since I was in size 14. I’m now in a size 12 and couldn’t be happier. I went from roughly a size 22 to a 12.
Do you have any advice for girls starting pole this year or who are doing the 2018 Body Transformation Challenge?
YES!! DO NOT GIVE UP!! Don’t get disheartened. Some things will take you longer than others. Enjoy every minute and every bruise 😉 Embrace the PhysiPole Family as they love you like no other. They support and motivate you the whole way, and you’ll never meet such fun loving caring people.
And once again, huge congratulations to Gemma on a spectacular and inspiring transformation. I can’t wait to see what all 2018 participants achieve.
Article by Elle Hoskin